August 2, 2016

6:00 p.m.


Code Enforcement Board Members Present:

Robert Westbrook, acting Chair

Travis Longpre

Shelley Hamilton

Joe Tanner


Code Enforcement Board Members Absent:

Charlie Leonard, Chair

Robert Rotondo, Vice Chair

Rose Quin-Bare


Staff Present

Regina Kardash, Attorney for Code Enforcement Board

Kathy Riley, Code Enforcement Officer

Penny Johnston, Executive Administrative Assistant



    Mr. Westbrook called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  A moment of silence was observed, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The roll was called.  Mr. Leonard, Ms. Quin-Bare, and Mr. Rotondo were absent from the meeting.


All persons wishing to testify or speak to the Board were duly sworn.


   1.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                                                                  


MOTION:       Ms. Hamilton moved, Mr. Longpre seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to approve the August 2, 2016 Agenda.


   2.  CONSENT AGENDA                                                                                                       

A.  Minutes:   April 26, 2016

B.  Legal Expenses through April 2016 and June 24, 2016 consultation re: CEB 16-02


MOTION:       Mr. Tanner moved, Mr. Longpre seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to approve the August 2, 2016 Consent Agenda.



Ms. Johnston read the property location and codes violated regarding Case No.16-02, but portions of the recording were inaudible due to technical difficulties with the microphone.


A.  Case No. 16-02     

Sarasota Investment Trust LLC

32 Blake Way

Osprey, Florida  34229


Violation Location:       904 4th Street West, Palmetto, Florida   34221

Codes Violated:           Palmetto Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article VIII, Fences, Section 7-183 Permit required, Chapter 15, Solid Waste, Section 15.7(b) Yard, waste cans & bundles, Chapter 16, Health and Sanitation, Article II Nuisances, Section 16-26, Section 16-26 (2), 16-26 (3), 16-26 (12) and Section 16-27(a), (b), & (c), Chapter 17, Housing, Article II Housing Standards, Section 17-28, Palmetto Property Maintenance Code, Section 301.2 Responsibility, 302.1 Sanitation, 302.3 Sidewalks and driveways,  302.5 Rodent Harborage, Chapter 18 Junked, Wrecked, Abandoned, or Vacant Property, Article I-In General, Section 18-1 Definitions, Appendix B, Article II Definitions, Section 3.2, Definition of terms, Junkyard and Open Storage:


     Mr. Westbrook opened the public hearing.


Code Enforcement Officer Kathy Riley testified that she had been sworn and that her credentials are on file with the Clerk of the Board.  She presented a PowerPoint showing recent photos and discussed current conditions at 904 4th Street West. That PowerPoint is attached to and made a part of these minutes.  Mrs. Riley read emails from the Respondent, which is also made a part of these minutes.  Mrs. Riley concluded that although there has been marked improvement, Sarasota Investment Trust is still out of compliance according to the Palmetto Code of Ordinances.  She reiterated the Administrative Order that directed the Respondent to bring the property into compliance by July 29, 2016 or a daily fine of up to $250 per day may be imposed, along with administrative costs in the amount of $515.


Mr. Westbrook closed the Public Hearing for deliberation.  Members of the Code Enforcement Board acknowledged that there has been progress, but the property is still out of compliance.


Attorney Kardash reviewed the factors considered, pursuant to the City Code, to determine whether or not to impose the fine. No monetary penalty was assessed at this meeting, but the Board agreed if the property remains in violation by August 30, 2016, daily fines would be retroactive back to August 12, 2016.


MOTION:       Finding the property is still in violation, Mrs. Hamilton moved, Mr. Tanner seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to continue the meeting until August 30, 2016. 






Administrative Assistant Deanna Roberts retired July 5, 2016 and Attorney David Persson was on vacation.  The Board welcomed Penny Johnston, the new Clerk of the Board and Ms. Regina Kardash, a new attorney in the Persson & Cohen, P.A. law firm as of March 2016. 





      7. ADJOURNMENT    

Meeting adjourned 6:27 p.m.



Minutes approved:



Charles W. Leonard, Chair