May 30, 2017

6:00 p.m.



Code Enforcement Board Members Present:

Charlie Leonard, Chair

Robert Rotondo, Vice-Chair

Bradley Bowermaster

Travis Longpre

Joe Tanner

Robert Westbrook


Staff Present:

Regina Kardash, Attorney for Code Enforcement Board

Kathy Riley, Code Enforcement Officer

Penny Johnston, Executive Assistant



   Chairman Charlie Leonard called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., followed by a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.  The roll was called showing Ms. Quin-Bare was absent from the meeting.


All persons intending to testify or speak to the Board were duly sworn.


   1.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                                                                  


MOTION:       Mr. Rotondo moved, Mr. Tanner seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to approve the May 30, 2017 Agenda.



There were no public comments but the Board discussed placing public comments later in the agenda, as originally established by the 2005-01 Enabling Resolution.


   3.  CONSENT AGENDA                                                                                                    

A.  Minutes:  April 25, 2017

B.  Legal Expenses through April 2017


Attorney Kardash explained that the legal expenses were revised due to a correction in travel time and an additional courtesy discount was given because staff found the discrepancy.


MOTION:       Mr. Tanner moved, Mr. Rotondo seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to approve the May 30, 2017 Consent Agenda.




A. Case No. 17-01                                                                                                               

William L. Davis (Estate of)

c/o Terry Davis

P.O. Box 1535

Palmetto, Florida    34220-1535


Violation Location:       915 18th Avenue Drive West, Palmetto, Florida   34221

Codes Violated:           Palmetto Code of Ordinances,  Chapter 16, Health and Sanitation, Article II Nuisances, Section 16-26, Section 16-26 (2, 3, & 12) and Section 16-27(a), (b), & (c);  Chapter 18, Junked, Wrecked, Abandoned or Vacant Property, Article I- In General, Section 18.1, and Article X- Planned Development District Multi-Use (PD-MU), Sec. 10.3 (a,q), Permitted principal and accessory uses and structures and Appendix B- Zoning Code, Article III Definitions, Sec.3.2 Definition of Terms, Parking Accessory:


   Code Enforcement Officer Kathy Riley testified that she had been sworn and that her credentials were on file with the Clerk of the Board. She presented   photos and stated the property had been brought into compliance. Ownership transferred from William L. Davis Estate to SNI Group by Warranty Deed on May 15, 2017, according the Manatee County Clerk of Court website.


    MOTION:         Mr. Rotondo moved, Mr. Westbrook seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to find the Respondent / new Property Owner SNI Group, in compliance of the City of Palmetto Code of Ordinances, as noticed.


     MOTION:        Mr. Bowermaster moved, Mr. Tanner seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to impose administrative fees and costs against the new property owner in the amount of $723.00.


   B. Case No. 17-04                                                                                                                  

Niel L. and Stacey Stinton

1315 6th Street West

Palmetto, Florida    34221


Violation Location:       1315 6th Street West, Palmetto, Florida   34221

Codes Violated:           Palmetto Code of Ordinances,  Chapter 6, Animals, Article I-In General, Section 6-3, Noisy Animals as a Nuisance, Chapter 6, Article II, Livestock and Fowl, Section 6-29, Sanitation of lots, stables, sheds and Section 6-31, Fowl; Chapter 16,Health and Sanitation, Article II Nuisances, Section 16-26, Section 16-26 (2), 16-26 (3), 16-26 (8) and 16-26 (12) and Section 16-27(a), (b), & (c) Prohibition and Enforcement; Chapter 17 Housing, Article II, Housing Standards, Section 17-28, Palmetto Property Maintenance Code; Section 301.2 Responsibility, Section 302.1 Sanitation and Section 302.5 Rodent Control; Chapter 18, Junked, Wrecked, Abandoned or Vacant Property, Article I-In General, Section 18.1, Definitions; Appendix B, Zoning Codes, Article III, Supplemental Regulations Section 3.2 Definition of terms; Appendix B, Zoning Codes, Article VI, Supplemental Regulations Section 6.5, Parking of recreational vehicles, Appendix B, Zoning Codes, Article VI, Supplemental Regulations Section 6.8 Accessory structures and Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014) Building- Chapter 1, Scope and Administration, Part 1, Scope and Application Section 105 Permits, A-105.1 Required:


  Code Enforcement Officer Riley stated the Chevy and the woodpile were removed, the mobile home was for sale and the turkey could not be heard, although it was still there.  She recommended the case be continued until the next Code Enforcement Board meeting. Building Official Neil Mazzei was unavailable for comment.    Mr. Rotondo asked for clarification concerning the turkey complaint. Regina Kardash stated any residence within 50 feet of the property has to consent to the owner keeping fowl. Chairman Charlie Leonard recommended Mrs. Riley contact the complainant to see if the situation is satisfactory.  Mr. Rotondo opined the turkey, motorhome and permitting are still a concern.             


  MOTION:          Mr. Rotondo moved, Mr. Tanner seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to continue this case to the next Code Enforcement Board meeting, scheduled 06/27/17.  






Chairman Leonard questioned if the lengthy description of the violations could be read at the first hearing and then just referenced for future meetings.  Attorney Kardash clarified that completed items can be removed from the description list.


   Chairman Leonard adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m.  



Minutes approved: July 25, 2017



Charles W. Leonard

Charles W. Leonard, Chair